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Saturday, March 12, 2011


Thou art truly my nemesis.  I put off unpleasant tasks as long as I possibly can.  Why do today what you can do...next December?  As a result when I finally get around to doing what I set out to do the task seems overwhelming.  I am an unorganized mess!  Ugh....I need to find a better way of doing things....and I think that I should downsize my wardrobe to four outfits.  Laundry is my most-hated task and my bedroom can attest to this fact....speaking of which....that bedroom is what I am supposed to be cleaning right now.   Up and at 'em lady!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's all about me! Or is it?

Recently I have discovered something about myself that I really don't like. Even though I
like humanity as a whole I am a pretty self involved person. I ask people questions they have already answered. This is not because their answer was unimportant the first time but because I didn't give the answer the attention it deserved. It's not fair to that person and it's not fair to me. The people in my life, as I have mentioned, are glorious creatures full of layers and facets that I have thoughtlessly left undiscovered. Sometimes the noise of my everyday life drowns out the quiet voices that hum beneath the surface. What have I missed by not going deeper? Who have I alienated by tuning out? I'm scared of what those numbers would actually be. But there is one thing I can promise: I will do everything in my power to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Greetings and salutations!

I am blogging from my bed via iPhone. Believe me, I know how pretentious that sounds...so my initial thought was to blog about the shiny things I saw at walmart that almost made me spastic but then I became pensive. We are creeping up on valentine's day and I have friends in every stage of love right now: the brand spanking new love, the slightly older but still exciting love, the been together forever comfortable kind of love and tragically the I love you but I'm no longer In love with you love. I mainly just spectate from the sidelines. I've been in love, been in lust, had crushes but nothing seems to stick. This isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just a matter-of-fact retelling. I'm a little envious of the happily paired. I'm glad for them sure. Everyone deserves to be happy, to have someone to wake up with, to comfort us in our darkest days. I have the most amazing circle of friends ever. These are people who are generous and good and caring, but none of them look at me like I am the only thing that they can see, the only thing that matters. Do I want that? Of course I do. Can I live without it? Sure. These are just the musings I have when i see one too many cupids.