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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Greetings and salutations!

I am blogging from my bed via iPhone. Believe me, I know how pretentious that sounds...so my initial thought was to blog about the shiny things I saw at walmart that almost made me spastic but then I became pensive. We are creeping up on valentine's day and I have friends in every stage of love right now: the brand spanking new love, the slightly older but still exciting love, the been together forever comfortable kind of love and tragically the I love you but I'm no longer In love with you love. I mainly just spectate from the sidelines. I've been in love, been in lust, had crushes but nothing seems to stick. This isn't necessarily a bad thing it's just a matter-of-fact retelling. I'm a little envious of the happily paired. I'm glad for them sure. Everyone deserves to be happy, to have someone to wake up with, to comfort us in our darkest days. I have the most amazing circle of friends ever. These are people who are generous and good and caring, but none of them look at me like I am the only thing that they can see, the only thing that matters. Do I want that? Of course I do. Can I live without it? Sure. These are just the musings I have when i see one too many cupids.

1 comment:

  1. Someday, my dear...you will find your (slightly strange) shiny-loving prince. I know he is out there...he is also just painfully distracted and you two must bump into each other while oogling something blissfully sparkly! You are amazing, intelligent, beautiful and super sweet with lots of love to give, he is just wandering around lost in a meadow or something at the moment...

    I love you Lady, and I know seeing couples around VDay makes you wanna punch puppies in the face. I found my oddball prince, it felt like it took forever. I KNOW you will find yours! *hugs*
